Thursday, September 6, 2012

Who am I?

"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." -Coco Chanel
Who am I? I am Emily Ellen Braun. I'm 17 years old. I am the daughter of Dwayne and Susan. I am the sister of Katie and Jon. I'm from Sunday morning church services and a background of strong faith. I am a Christian. I'm from grandma's pork roast dinners and moms recipe box of favorites. I'm from tradition. I'm from the rustic-colored, brick streets and the home the of the huskies. I am from Aurora. I'm from cornfields as far as the eye can see and big red football gamedays on Saturdays. I am from Nebraska. I am from a rich history of values and beliefs where family is the top prioriety. I am from friendships that last a lifetime and friends who share common interests. I'm from hot, Spring track workouts and mid-morning fun runs. I am a runner. I'm from tight budgets and investing money. I am a saver. These are the core values that have helped shape who I am today.
I was born in Aurora, Nebraska where I have spent the majority of my life. I grew up on a farm just south of Hampton, where I lived until I was in first grade. Some of my fondest childhood memories take me back to the dirt roads and breathtaking Nebraska sunsets of the countryside. When we moved to Aurora, I missed the country style of living and the freedom that came with it. Although, it didn't take long and I had adjusted to town life fairly easily. To this day, I still live in Aurora. I'm thankful for the beautiful house that my family has turned into a home and the kind-hearted people that live in it with me, my family.
My dad, Dwayne, is the strongest man I know, both physically and mentally. He stretches 6'3" tall with a big-boned figure. I know, right now you're thinking of some big, intimidating fella. This is a wrong assumption of my dad. He is like a big teddy bear. Warm and soft on the outside and the inside. I have learned so many life lessons from my dad that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. My mom, Susan, is the most beautiful woman i know, inside and out. You will not find a mother more dedicated to her children than my mom. She is passionate about what she loves, and always puts forth her best effort to match. I can always count on my mom to give me helpful advice, share her contagious smile, or provide a shoulder to cry on. When the rest of the world walks out, my mom walks in. My sister, Katie, is my role model. Talk about a girl with a fun, carefree attitude who lives for the beauty in each day. The more time I spend with my sister, the more I want to be just like her. When Katie and I are together, we are never shy of having the time of our lives'. My sister is my "partner in crime," and the "half that makes me whole." Last but not least is my brother, Jon. Where do I even begin? He is the best big brother a girl could ask for. He's outgoing and funny, with a mix of classy and cool. My brother has always been the source of motivation that pushes me to reach my potential. I've always admired his lack of selfishness and his ability to find the good in whatever comes his way. Jon is a blessing to our family and a contribution to why we have so much fun together.
My future is like an unwritten book. I'm not sure where I will end up. The best part is the peace of mind in knowing that I'm the author and I'm in control of how my life gets published to the world. Looking into the future, I'm hoping to make my childhood dream of becoming a cornhusker reality. I want to be involved on campus by being in a sorority. My major is undecided at this point, but I'm leaning towards a profession in the medical field. I've always wanted to dedicate my life to serving others and improving the way people live their lives. I've always enjoyed children and hope to work with them in my dream job that is yet to be discovered. Where I go and whatever I do, I hope to influence lives and make a positive impact in whatever I do. I don't know what my future holds, but I'll trust in God as it unfolds. Each day is a new page of my life story, and I can't wait to keep writing.

Deep Map Picture: iPod

Family Tradition Artifact: The Bible

" I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

Life Soundtrack "Iris" By:The Goo Goo Dolls